Welcome to the Spreadsheet Tools website

Compile XLS to stand alone EXE, Trace Dependencies in Excel Formulas and Best Excel File Compare Tool

Spreadsheets are widely used in mathematic, financial, insurance modelling and other business-specific calculations. If you are one the spreadsheet users, you will find useful tool in the list of our products.
All our applications are based on the Spreadsheet Core - spreadsheet calculation engine, created by our company. This technology background allows us to give you ultimate tools to work with spreadsheets - compare data for modifications, debug formulas in your spreadsheets and convert your workbook to the ready to sell application file.

List of the Spreadsheet Tools products:

Family of the utilities and applications for spreadsheet developers and Excel users


Convert Excel book into EXE file

xlCompiler converts spreadsheet into the stand-alone application file, which doesn't require Microsoft Excel to run.

Protect your intellectual property with spreadsheet compiler.

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Diff and Merge Tool for Excel files

xlCompare is the feature rich best performing Excel Diff Tool. Complete comparison of the Excel sheets and VBA projects.

Integrate xlCompare as diff viewer for Excel files into your SVN.

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Dependency Auditor

Trace Dependencies in Excel

Trace calculations and dependencies in the hierarchical tree form, so you can easily drill down through dependencies and formulas.

Analyze hidden dependencies caused by OFFSET and INDIRECT functions.

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Spreadsheet Tools Company News:

04/11/2023 - xlCompare 11.01

  • Regular update for 11 version

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10/26/2022 - 10/28/2022 Japan IT Week

xlCompare was presented on the on the Japan IT Week exhibition in Tokyo by our partner HULINKS Inc..

10/16/2022 - 16-th Anniversary

Spreadsheet Tools celebrates its 16-th anniversary!

During these years our team of professionals have been working on creating software products for Excel users.

We are proud every customer and will do our best to give you best software and services in the future!

08/24/2022 - Trace Precedents Command

xlCompare gives you an alternate way to trace precedents in your Excel file. The article below shows you capabilities of xlCompare as formula auditing tool for Excel.

Visit xlCompare.com ...

08/23/2022 - xlCompiler 3.12.19

  • Minor updates and fixes

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08/16/2022 - xlCompiler 3.12.18

  • Minor updates and fixes

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08/04/2022 - New Partner - HULINKS Inc.

Today Spreadsheet Tools signed Distributor Agreement with HULINKS Inc., one of the leading software distribution companies in Japan.




07/31/2022 - xlCompare 10.7

  • New Interface: now xlCompare has Office 365 look
  • New Riboon commands: we've refectored our Ribbon structure to give you commands grouped by their functions
  • xlCompare is now available in the Korean language. Thanks to our partner Korea Software Service
  • New set of Merge commands
    1. Merge Sheets
    2. Merge Files
    3. Merge Folders
    4. Combine all sheets into one
    5. Update Sheets
    6. Update Files
  • Display Legend for the differences found
  • Filter differences by their type in the Legend area
  • Ignore columns from comparison
  • Optionally hide Difference Explorer window
  • Export and Import commands for the VBA Modules
  • Highlight records in the CSV files
  • Filter by Value command can be applied to several cells, to filter rows on the worksheet by these values
  • Evaluate Formula command to debug calculations and find our where the formula value came from
  • Optional Trend Icons
  • Headers of the rows with changed cells are marked with colors
  • Fixed issue with Korean and Japanese characters in the VBA modules
  • Improved Primary Key detection algorithm
  • New Worksheets Functions
  • New Worksheet Shapes are supported
  • Improved support of the Excel Object Model
  • Fixed few issues with Pie Chart
  • Fixed fiew minor issues with cell recalculation
  • Improved 3-File Comparison command
  • Minor updates and fixes

What's new in this update ...

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02/03/2022 - xlCompare 10.5

  • 3-Way comparison for Excel files
  • Merge Excel files from command line
  • Improved primary key processing
  • Improved worksheet alignment in comparison report
  • Fixed few compatibility issues with XLSX format
  • Minor updates and fixes

What's new in this update ...

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02/14/2022 - How to exclude range of rows from comparison

Read our article in the xlCompare Space about processing hidden rows and columns on the worksheet ...

Ignore hidden data in xlCompare ...

02/09/2022 - How xlCompare displays differences on the worksheet

Every Excel file comparison tool highlights modified cells with color. But we would like to describe option that is present only in xlCompare. It is called Extended View. When xlCompare detects difference in the cell value, it displays original and modified value in the same place...

Extended View mode in xlCompare ...

02/08/2022 - Join our space on Quora

We've opened an xlCompare Space in Quora to share with you information about xlCompare options and commands.

xlCompare on Quora ...

01/14/2022 - Join our Linkedin community

Please, visit our Linked in page. We'll be happy to see you in the list of our followers.

Spreadsheet Tools on LinkedIn ...

01/14/2022 - Update on the xlCompare website

Compare and Merge SCV files using Excel File Compare Tool:

Compare CSV files in Excel ...

CSV-Dateien vergleichen:

Die in CSV-Dateien gespeicherten Datensätzen vergleichen und zusammenführen ...

Bestes Excel - Vergleichstool:

Lassen sie uns über die Bewertungen von Excel-Dateivergleichern sprechen, um festzustellen, welcher der beste ist ...

13/01/2022 - xlCompare 10.4

  • German Language Pack for xlCompare is included into the product.
  • Remove Duplicate Primary Keys\Rows
  • Clear Duplicate Primary Keys\Rows (leave first entry and remove others)
  • Filter Duplicates
  • Highlight Duplicates with fill color
  • Split Columns with custom text delimiter
  • Join Columns with custom text delimiter
  • Convert Text Values to Numbers
  • Remove Spaces in cell texts
  • New Edit Primary Keys Dialog
  • Option to disable calculations
  • Polished Comparison Algorithms: faster processing and more accurate results
  • Reworked Primary Key detection algorithms
  • Items in the Difference Explorer are always synchronized with worksheet views
  • Print to PDF: now xlCompare prints all worksheets, instead of active sheet
  • Reworked Ribbon Control: New commands added
  • Fixed problem in HEX2DEC function in the Spreadsheet Core engine
  • Fixed a few issues with saving XLSM files
  • Minor updates and fixes

What's new in this update ...

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[COMPLETED]Order xlCompare Pro with 50% discount!

New Year Sale! Order xlCompare Professional with 50% discount. Discount is valid until January 2.

Coupon Code for this discount is published on the Order page.

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12/29/2021 - xlCompiler 3.11.24

  • New Visual Basic functions.
  • Fixed problem with worksheet recalculation after changing Application.Calculation property.
  • InputBox function and Application.InputBox method
  • Minor updates and fixes

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12/02/2021 - xlCompare 10.3.0

  • Compare Excel Files with Changed Primary Keys. Use this option to compare excel sheets with updated keys. This flexible approach allows to detect changes in the key fields, instead of marking whole records as deleted.
  • Filter Updated Rows - leave only rows, which have updated cells and hide other ones.
  • Mark Changed Cells with Color. Now this command inserts corresponding value into updated cell, if you are using Extended View mode.

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11/10/2021 - Merge two Excel Files into one

Use excel diff tool (xlCompare) to combine two excel files into one, by merging different row and updating corresponding cells.

This video shows one of the cases, where you can use out xlcomparator to consolidate excel files.

11/07/2021 - xlCompare 10.2.7 (Regular Update)

  • Fixed problem with wrong recalculation of total count of differences.
  • Fixed issue with filling different rows with background color when merging worksheets.

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11/02/2021 - New video in our Youtube Channel

How to use Comparison Wizard in the Excel File Compare Tool. Manage groups of the compared worksheets and setup comparison options.

Comparison Wizard is an important part of the xlCompare. Please, watch this video if you are going to compare and merge excel files.

10/12/2021 - xlCompare 10.2.0 (Major Update)

  • Reworked Ribbon Interface: Merge and Filter records with Home Tab
  • Number of improvements and fixes

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09/29/2021 - xlCompare 10.1.17 (Minor Update)

  • Sort Excel Tables before comparison
  • Improved Primary Key Detection algorithm
  • Improved Text Comparison options: compare text files without delimiter
  • Fixed number of compatibility issues when opening XLSX files

Sort Tables. This is important option which makes your data properly aligned in the comparison report. Usually you sort your sheets by key column to get cells ordered. xlCompare automatically does this work for you.

Primary Keys. Most of the spreadsheet have database structure. Such Excel Tables contain primary keys used to identify equal records. In xlCompare you can define Primary Key Columns and Rows with a right click menu commands. But when you load your excel find into xl compare - it makes initial selection of the key columns and offer it to you. This algorithm was improved in this update.

Compare CSV files. This is one of the primary features in xl compare. Please, visit this page for additional information: Compare CSV files with xl compare

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09/12/2021 - xlCompare 10.1.10 (Regular Update)

  • RANK.AVG and RANK.EQ worksheet functions
  • Fixed compatibility issue with saving protected ranges

Protected Range is a commonly used Excel Worksheet feature. It allows to protect separate areas on the worksheet from editing. Or to assign different permissions to the ranges of cells on the worksheet. To use this option in Excel you should use the Review | Allow Edit Ranges command on the Ribbon.

RANQ.AVG and RANQ.EQ worksheet functions are used to calculate Rank of the specific value in the array of numbers.

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08/24/2021 - xlCompare 10.1.0 (Major Update)

  • We've restored Ribbon Interface in the Excel File Compare Tool
  • A number of minor improvements

Ribbon interface is very convenient to Excel users, so we've decided to restore it and use instead of the previous one. We hope, that this will make xlCompare more easy in use for you.

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08/23/2021 - xlCompiler 3.11.0 is ready to download

  • Improvements in the calculation engine
  • Fast workbook loading
  • Fixed few Internal Compiler Error issues
  • Minor fixes and improvements

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08/22/2021 - xlCompare 10.0.7 is ready to download

  • xlCompare have got faster calculation engine
  • Resolved: incorrect loading cell style records (XF)
  • Fixed few compatibility problems with loading XLSM workbooks
  • Other fixes and improvements

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08/04/2021 - Features list was updated on the xlCompare website

We've analyzed various product features published in the spreadsheet comparator reviews. Look which ones are present in the xlCompare.

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07/28/2021 - xlCompare 10 is ready to download

Major update for xlCompare is ready! List of modifications:

  • Improved performance and memory usage for extremely large workbooks
  • Include worksheet data into outlined comparison report
  • xlCompare has got multithreading core - perform time consuming operations without freezing the interface
  • Minor improvements and fixes

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07/07/2021 - New article on the xlCompare website

How to use Comparison Wizard in the xlCompare.

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